Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration (DO313)

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Course Overview

Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration (DO313) is designed for system administrators who want to install, configure and manage Red Hat Single Sign-On servers for securing applications. Learn about the different ways to authenticate and authorize applications using single sign-on standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC). You will also learn how to install and configure Red Hat Single Sign-On on the OpenShift Container Platform. This course is based on Red Hat Single Sign-On version 7.6.

Who Should Attend

System Administrators responsible for administering Red Hat Single Sign-On servers.

Course Objectives

    • Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On on virtual machines and on OpenShift Container Platform Authenticating and authorizing applications using OAuth and OIDC
    • Configuring Identity Brokering and user identity federation from external systems
    • Configuring password policies

Course Outline

1 - Introduce Red Hat Single Sign-On

  • Identify the main components of Red Hat Single Sign-On

2 - Install and Configure Red Hat Single Sign-On

  • Identify the best option for installing and configuring RHSSO depending on the infrastructure

3 - Authentication and Authorization

  • Configure authentication and authorization for applications

4 - Identity Brokering and User Federation

  • Configure RHSSO to secure applications from multiple identity providers by using user federation and social logins

5 - Red Hat Single Sign-On on OpenShift

  • Install and configure Red Hat Single Sign-On on OpenShift

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Class Dates & Times

Class times are listed Mountain time

This is a 3-day class

Price (CAD): $3,219.50

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