Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Advanced Administration (2402 LTSR) (CVAD-301)

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Course Overview

Designed for experienced IT professionals, this course expands the foundational administrative skills by introducing scalability, redundancy, and security configurations as well as troubleshooting techniques for common issues. You will learn to build and combine App Layers to optimize management of your app and desktop images. You will learn how to implement Workspace Environment Management to improve logon times, centralize user settings management, and optimize the performance of machines. You will leave this course with a good understanding of how to manage more complex solutions such as multi-location environments with configurations around StoreFront, the Delivery Controllers, App Layering, and Workspace Environment Management.

Who Should Attend

Administrators, Engineers, and Architects

Course Objectives

    • How to implement advanced administration concepts such as troubleshooting, backups, disaster recovery, scalability and redundancy for a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop Site
    • Security considerations and configurations including multi-site management using zones.
    • Create, administer, and manage App Layering OS, platform, application, elastic, and user layers.
    • Integrate Citrix App Layering Into a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop deployment.
    • Install and initialize WEM and integrate into Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and Citrix DaaS.
    • Configure WEM features to improve the end user environment and virtual resource consumption.
    • Migrate an on-premises WEM deployment to WEM service.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops
  • Managing CVAD
  • Backups and Disaster Recovery
  • Advanced Authentication Methods
  • App and Data Security
  • Secure VDAs
  • Introduction to Troubleshooting
  • Troubleshoot Access Issues
  • Troubleshoot Delivery Controller Issues
  • Troubleshoot Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) Registration Issues
  • Troubleshoot HDX Connection Issues
  • OS Layers
  • Platform Layers
  • App Layers
  • Elastic App Layers and User Layers
  • Deploy a Layered Image
  • Layer Priority and Maintaining an App Layering Environment
  • Intro to WEM and Architecture Components
  • WEM Deployment Install
  • WEM Consoles and Initial Setup
  • WEM System and Log On Optimization
  • WEM Security and Lockdown Features
  • Planning - The WEM Agent
  • WEM Monitoring, Reporting, and Troubleshooting
  • Upgrading WEM and Migration to WEM Service

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Class Dates & Times

Class times are listed Mountain time

This is a 5-day class

Price (CAD): $6,850.00

Register When Time
 Register 03/17/2025 8:00AM - 3:30PM
 Register 04/21/2025 8:00AM - 3:30PM
 Register 05/19/2025 8:00AM - 3:30PM
 Register 06/16/2025 8:00AM - 3:30PM