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Manager's Role in Developing Talent - Beginner
Course Overview
This program is part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn a practical approach to developing the talent around them -- with an emphasis on their direct reports. We believe that a fundamental responsibility of managers is to enable employees to reach their full potential at work while ensuring the organization achieves meaningful results. Our talent development process is designed to create a productive work environment that is conducive to personal growth and is grounded in a developmental partnership between a manager and her/his people. This program contains concepts, models, tools, templates and skill building that reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Learners will  complete a series of exercises that will help them put their learning into practice as well as identify future opportunities for their own continued development.
Course Objectives
Developing Talent
Course Outline
2 - Developing Talent
- Excellence Through Talent Development
- Development Process
- IDP as a Collaborative Roadmap
- Call It Coaching If You Want