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Course Overview
Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that deals with visual perception. Azure AI Vision includes multiple services that support common computer vision scenarios.
Course Outline
1 - Analyze images
- Provision an Azure AI Vision resource
- Analyze an image
- Generate a smart-cropped thumbnail and remove background
2 - Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models
- Understand custom model types
- Create a custom project
- Label and train a custom model
3 - Detect, analyze, and recognize faces
- Identify options for face detection analysis and identification
- Understand considerations for face analysis
- Detect faces with the Azure AI Vision service
- Understand capabilities of the face service
- Compare and match detected faces
- Implement facial recognition
4 - Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service
- Explore Azure AI Vision options for reading text
- Use the Read API
5 - Analyze video
- Understand Azure Video Indexer capabilities
- Extract custom insights
- Use Video Analyzer widgets and APIs